Nearer my god to theeeeeeeeeeeeee… (Erk-Eck)…

Patriot Actor Mason blowing smoke up ass

Some lessor minds, minds that might not have learnt to tie their shoelaces properly until they were in high school have claimed these blogs are all over the place and give no direction or guidance as to what to do ~ Well, that’s basically bullshit there but each to their own, you tortured me for ‘MK Ultra’ as a 2 y\o America, continued said torture every year except age 13 when you had one of your chicken shit sycophant Nazis do it, then again every year until adulthood, and then still after that ~ The last time America seriously tortured me was 2004 after a 32 hour abduction, previous to that was a drugged abduction and surgical lobotomy which, although done in an Australian hospital had an American surgeon ~ You murdered 23 people in front of me by age 13 in 1970 and 20 of those were children, of those 20 kids 14 were little black children tortured to death in front of me from 1964 thru to late 1969 ~ You also prostituted me in pedo prostitution every year of my childhood from age four years on, totally destroying my entire childhood in anyone’s perspective ~ In addition to that you’ve just collectively spent over $2.5+ billion dollars on lying political bullshit including fake replayed and fake replayed stories ever since McCain took over as titular Masonic Bavarian Illuminati head (Of course they’ll claim they don’t exist, fools, they pulled ‘911’ using your Masonic Lodge) and currently use more resources to deny me justice than you do finding out who the real threats to public safety and national wellbeing are ~ Finally, in context of these blogs being all over the place, well, in addition to logging (Blogging) many separate distinct stupid idiotic illogical dishonest and outright treasonous perspectives your media never mentions anymore, perspectives about America’s political spin post the ‘911’ attacks as your Masonic Lodge sought to blame the Muslims for what they themselves did, I’ve also made it very plain that without a 100% amnesty for treason in exchange for 100% truth to a grand jury, America is dead in the water, merely fulfilling the role of being…

the world’s biggest blowhards…


You know what Benghazi was about you fakes ~ A smoke screen to justify blocking the Libyan people’s access to free world media because you blamed the whole nation for that faked set-up ~ But that was just you America, that was just you running a huge distraction from the fact that you’d already looted Iraq’s gold while you were the sole occupying nation, and the Libyan people had named ex ‘DELTA FORCE’ mercenaries as some of those who’d escorted their 30+ years of oil traded for gold out of their country with the help of the real Gaddafi…

(Not the lookalike illegitimate cousin you shot dead in his place)…

so the whole thing was just typical US Govt Masonic bullshit…


The American Govt likes to pretend I’m just a troublemaker, a bit of a fool…

Amnesty THING Jim Jeffries Mason LETS KILL IT

Seriously, I-get it, I’m aware of the gayo\neo post-constitutional thing, I-get it…

Your patriot act ain’t working for you anymore because your constitutional republic balls are gone (Somewhere) and you don’t know what to do to get them back, if you could ~ If you were to ask me (You didn’t, yet) I’d suggest you better give me justice for what you did to me as a child or else you’re nothing but a curse on yourselves…

and on the world at large…

that’s the first thing I’d suggest, you dcikless wonders…

See this picture of this boy below? ~ You (Your Govt) were torturing me at his age…

You’re full of shit about what you claim to be, everything about you is weak-as-piss…

I’d had more courage and heart than most of you back as a wee 2 y\o you dogs…

Little angry Irishman Baby ~

Now give me my bloody justice for what you did, then, do what’s below, and do it quick…

Proof Patriot Acts need amnesty BANG

Communists Taking

Over Anti-Trump


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Anti-Trump factions primarily communist

Kit Daniels
July 19, 2016

The anti-Trump protestors at the RNC are mostly ‘Workers Party’

communists and straight-up socialists:

This article was posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 4:08 pm


The Bernie-bots got totally betrayed by their geriatric hero…

they’re a leaderless mass waiting for new freeshit messiah!


Hmm, heads-up fcukwits, this is 2016 not 2012 ~ Talk about ‘BS’ artists…
But like on the Titanic, the band kept on playing “Nearer my god to thee”

Conductor Classic American bullshit




See Liberace died in 1987 but his ghost still haunts the Young Republicans at their ‘RNC’ thing, he’s making them think it’s 2012 still ~ Gee, better get an exorcism or something America, you gay girl’s, you gay, Oh, boys  😉


As a little boy, as an average precocious little boy, as any average normal little boy with a bad attitude and a 220+ ‘IQ’ tortured from age 2 years by ‘CIA’ might have been expected to be or become, as an average (Snigger) little boy who had some nifty teachers in all things political and psychological, and many things occultist and strategic in herd control, I’d found I’d developed the ability to remote view, a skill the Russians think they’re world chess masters at and, well, maybe they are, as long as that don’t mean they think they’re better than meee at it…

Surprisingly I’d found that I’d developed that ability out of being lied to too many times by Freemasons of German Jew descent in ‘CIA’ and ‘WW2’ fascism, it came from a ferocious determination to be in control thru acquiring information about any lie that intersected with ‘MY’ interests which, at that young age were rarely ever outside my step family ~ So yeah, as you’d understand the concept in the way 1960’s and 1970’s Russian ‘KGB’ would have thought of it, I’d developed that ability quickly, at first only if I’d met and\or talked with someone so their psychic persona, not necessarily their soul spirit or mind, just their presence and where they carried their spiritual weight, was seen by me ~ Within a year, by age six years, I’d developed the ability to remote view anyone just so long as I’d talked with someone who vaguely knew them and got that person to talk about them, a few sentences was enough if they were angry or resentful, although a good 10 minutes was easier, it took less effort and focus ~ Then, by age seven, I’d become good enough at it to remote view anyone at all, literally, anywhere, any time, with a 2 week lead in just to cross all my eyes (Snicker) and dot all my tee’s like I’d been taught to do, and that I’d do simply by reading about them and\or seeing a picture, then tasking some of my spiritual helpers (Literally the spirits of the departed, I’d been a practicing Spiritualist by that age, there were some complaints at first about that being wrong, so I’d go straight over their heads and find one that would, one that understood little boys become big boys, big boys become men, men become old men, and old men eventually die and they’d cross my path face to face) and anyway I’d task them to go and just watch the target close for a few days, or more, then I’d look at them thru the mind’s eye of that helper (Spirit) and they (The target) then had no secrets in that space ~ You think I’m bullshitting here, you really think I’m bullshitting? ~ You think I’m bullshitting, flying two jets into 3 skyscrapers using failed Cessna pilots bullshitting? ~ Hell no, it’s simply true…

weird no doubt, but simply true, I’d been gifted…

And waaaaaaaaaay more pissed-off than you could possibly imagine…

It’s wrong for little boys to be forced to become so austere, so severe…

Later, it came in quite handy as a tool in complicated Zionist bastardry, partly because I’d also learnt to reverse the flow and plant thoughts and ideas, mostly to avoid detection I’d do so as far as two years ahead of the moment when they’d have the thought and I’d not use actual words to do so, merely use complicated thought forms, a concept I’d gladly school you on if you had a few years and had an honest heart and an open mind, and already knew how…

Eichmann taught me that, what a naughty man, what a naughty-naughty man, and my step dad too, also quite the occultist himself but masked ‘ALL’ of his work (Craft) way more than even Eichmann could, and a hell of a teacher at that, he was my fifth Ace in the pack, (Yes, I-always cheated), he (My step dad) was my derringer up the sleeve, my joker in the pack, my set-piece in the game so to speak, my Jack-high dirty move, bless you Clem, old soldier, bless you…

Eichmann Double photo Israeli trial dupeEichmann fake trial guy

Anyway, at the time Eichmann began to broaden my heart mind and spirit in the occult most will rarely envisage and few will ever grasp past the weird sex stage, he’d supposedly been dead two years, literally, and I’ll repeat that just for the taxpayer funded Masonic politicians and media-frauds of America, by that time Eichmann had supposedly been dead for two years after (Supposedly) suffering the after effects of some severe rope burn in Israel, so for him to teach me that while the Masonic Zionist world claimed he’d been dead would’ve been quite a circus sham magic trick better than my budding Spiritualism skills, except he wasn’t dead, world Masonic Zionism using the Bavarian Illuminati mechanisms in world politics had faked his death in Israel using a lookalike double while Eichmann himself was busy placing a stolen US Air Force hydrogen bomb under congress for his Bavarian Illuminati masters, with young Dick Cheney in the team with the nuke, and future defense secretary Don Rumsfeld (Literally) helping them get the thing past a lone guard at the entrance…

the man being an old army buddy of Rummy’s…

Look where that led these last 55 odd years ~ Get a grip before you kill us all…



What difference does it make? ~ Ask that after the treason of ‘WW3’…

US Soldier LARGE

Kinetic Energy weapon (2)




Two of Prescott’s sons in the Bush photo montage below were both full brothers ‘BORN IN GERMANY’ to a single woman, either twins or a year or two apart, I’m unable to precisely confirm that, born from one of the many womb’s Bavarian Illuminati took for their use as Lord’s of the worldwide Zionist feudal manor…

while the other one, the gay baseball player…

was the American-born son of Prescott’s lawful wife, so he said…

the-bush-babby-boys AMBIDEXTROUS

One of the men below is obviously Dick Cheney, the other is his brother or half brother Bernie Sanders ~ The other guy in the photo whom you may recognize as Gorbachev of the big Glasnost “Oh no someone whacked Chernobyl” fame is half brother of both ~ All six are of German Jew descent and at least three or four were illegitimate as in their biological father wasn’t married to the woman who bore them, and myself I’m getting pretty sick of the god AND father of the Jews…

it’s really starting to piss me off…

Cheney Mason Muslim Cessna pilots rainbow



Yeah, I’m being a wee-bit cryptic here…

Three Kings Gold 550

There’s a story I’ve told elsewhere about being strapped to a chair drugged shitless on their “MK Ultra” stuff by ‘CIA’ with my eyes pinned open with surgical equipment a few months after their murder of missing Australian bub Azaria Chamberlain in front of me by a ‘POS’ operative for ‘CIA’ known to some in Australia as “Little Hans” a week or so after her so called death by a ‘Dingo’ (sic) taking her from her tent…

In kindness to Mrs Chamberlain, for an untrained victim it’s very easy to place fully believable memories into someone’s mind using those same drug based brainwash techniques, so she may very well have believed she saw a dingo take her baby ~ Anyway, at the time of the baby’s murder both ‘GHW (Scherff) Bush’ (41) and Rumsfeld were in the house within the previous half hour of her (Azaria’s) murder with a literal ‘Bayonet’ to the heart, anyway, again, this part I’m relating here a few months or so after her murder was…

basically, just torture to make me forget what I’d seen…

That included seeing Rumsfeld Cheney and your fake Kerry torture 9 babies to death, and then your ‘Scherff-41’ and one of his brother’s torture 5 older children to death, all Aboriginal and all 14 that I’d seen slowly cut up with knives…

until they either bled out or went into shock…

This time (For the torture described above) only ‘GHW (Scherff) Bush’ (41) and one other I’d not known by sight was in the house from memory, and for what seemed like about an hour to an hour and a  1\2 ‘THE’ most violent video shit I’ve ever seen before or since was endlessly played in front of me, no way to turn away…

eyes wide open, brain turned to mush by CIA hypnotic drugs…

Clockwork Orange ~ Two

No, it’s not a fantasized Clockwork Orange scenario, it really happened…

So much in life and in the world itself isn’t at all in the least as they like to claim…

Pharoah children gold itchy butt

Und now Leibchen, “The ‘Gold-thief’ god’s main Unteroffizier(Lance Corporal)

Adolf Hitler Masons Gold 666 (2)

Shock, horror, you were all conned, lied to, Hitler was an illegitimate Astor Jew…

The more cynically informed may have thought 3 different men played the role too…

The US Fed got the 1000’s of tons of looted Nazi-gold in 1973 suckers ~ Wake-up…

The whole Jewish thing was a “Solomon’s gold”  gambit, the whole dame thing…

Hit the links above and below to learn some of what motivated me to do this…

So where’s Solomon’s gold, Iraq?

US Military coffins Iraqi Gold shipment 550Madness Yes no yes not prisoners, no, not mad, bunkers, insane

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